Manage User Role Memberships

Privileged Workspace / Workspace Template Administrations will be able to create new roles and assign roles to Users / Organisations / User groups within respective workspace or workspace template using " Manage User Role Membership" option.


Administrators will be able to define the workspace or workspace template privileges and form permissions for single or multiple roles.


  Users with Assign Role Membership – All Orgs privilege can assign workspace Roles to the all the Organisations or the users of all the Organisations on the Workspace

  Users with Assign Role Membership – Own Orgs privilege can assign workspace Roles to users of own Organisation on the Workspace.


1. Select "Manager User Role Memberships" option from Admin menu



Click on the Delete icon against a role. Click on “Save” button to save the changes.


2. Click on Add New Role button

  Specify the Role name,

  Click on “Save” button to save the new Role.


3. Manage Role Privileges:

 Click on “Role Privileges” Tab.



 Search for required Role.

 Select  required Role privileges and click on “Save” button.


4. Managing Form Privileges

 Click on “Role Form Permissions” Tab



Search for required Role.

Select required form permissions and click on “Save” button.



5.  Assign Users to the role.


  Click on "Users" Tab

 Search for multiple emails in Basic Search which need to assigned to the role.






  Check the box and Click on Add Selected button to assign  the selected User to the required Workspace Role.

 Click on Save button to save the membership assignment.



 Once the Team Member is assigned to the Workspace Role, it will display in Italics as the Invitation is not accepted yet.



 Invitees are sent an email invitation with a link to accept or reject the invitation to join the workspace.




 Once the invitation is accepted, you will be able to access the project.


6. Assign User Groups and Organisation to the role


 Click on "Role Memberships" Tab

 Click on "User Groups" Tab to select available User Groups / "Organisation" Tab to select an Organisation

 Search for required User Group / Organisation and Click on Add Selected button to assign  the selected user group /Organisation to the required Workspace Role.


 Invitees are sent an email invitation with a link to accept or reject the invitation to join the workspace.


 Click on “Save” button to save the membership assignment.


7. Remove Role Membership

 Select the User Group, Organisation or User to remove from Role.



 Click on “Remove” button and a validation prompt will be displayed.



   Click on ‘”Save” to confirm the removal of Organisation / User Group / User.


8. Inactivate User:

Search for users to change details

Click on "Change User Details" button.



 Select  "Inactive" button to inactivate the active user

     Click on Submit button

     A new page will be displayed with the list incomplete actions and unread comments on

            documents & forms



 Click on the to clear the incomplete actions for the users as displayed and then clear   

            the actions as per the steps in Clear Action on Documents &.Clear Action on Forms

           Click on the to delegate the incomplete actions to other recipients, refer  Delegate

            Actions on Documents & Delegate Actions on Forms

               Click on the icon to clear the unread comment as per the steps in

            Clear Unread Comments



9.  Activate User

Search for users to change details

Click on "Change User Details" button.




 Select "Active" button to activate an inactive user.



              Click on Submit to save the settings.   

Assign Proxy users for Paper users.




1. The user who is assigned multiple roles, will get a union of privileges of all roles.

2. Administrators will be now be able to assign additional users to same roles when “All Workspace Roles (inc privileges) with inheritance is selected”.




Q. I want to edit the Workspace – Administrator role name but it is disabled for editing?

A. Workspace – Administrator role is a system created role and therefore not available for editing. Same is the case for Tender Administrator role within Tender Manager and Workspace Administrator within Procurement Manager too.


Q: I do not see Delete icon beside some of the roles in the list.

A: Delete icon is not displayed for the roles which have already been assigned to atleast one of the users, organisations or user groups.


Useful Links:

Assign Proxy Users

Clear Actions on Documents

Clear Action on Forms

Clear Unread Comments

Clear Comments as Read

Clear Comments as Read

Clear Incomplete Actions and Unread Comments

Delegate Actions on Documents

Delegate Actions on Forms