Project Workflow also provides team members with on-line proformas to fill in and create standard project Forms such as Requests for Information, or Change requests and use the Workflow module to assign actions on Forms to other team members.
Within a form, users create messages and assign action to others team members, these are either originals (ORI messages), Forwards (FWD Messages) or Response (RES Messages). Each recipient will receive an action to complete (similar to document personal actions).
Depending on the configuration of the form, there can be Form Controllers who co-ordinate the distribution and approval of responses to form messages. If the form type has a controller, the creator of the form cannot distribute the form directly. This can only be done by the controller. Likewise, responses to messages in the form automatically get sent to the controller for approval. Once approved, the response is distributed back to the originator of the form.
Forms can also have a status that can be changed. End statuses for forms include "Closed", "Approved", "Rejected", "Deactivated".
Examples of Forms that may be in use on Projects are:
Request for Information (RFI)
Technical Queries (TQs)
Change Request Form (CRF)
Early Warning Notices (EWN)
Instructions (INS)
Project Manager's Instructions (PMI)
Useful links: