Reply to Form

1. Click on Form ID to view Form



2. Click on the  (Reply to Originator) to create Form Reply for Originator, and click on (Reply to All) to create Form reply for all Recipients who are the part of distributions..



3. Complete all fields for response




4.  Click on  to distribute action to users within the project team (see Distribute).

 Visible only for Non-Controller Based forms. For Controller Based forms, a Release Response action will be automatically distributed to Form Controllers.

 Users on the form distribution list of selected message on which response is being created will be pre-populated.


5. Option to complete associations is available. (namely,

Associate Documents and Comments,

Associate Forms,

Associate Workpackages,

Attach External documents,  


6. Click on Send to create form response

Select Display Form Print View After Saving to display Form Print Preview on sending the form. (Defaulted from User Preferences).


7. Click on Save Draft to create draft form response

Select Display Form Print View After Saving to display Form Print Preview on sending the form. (Defaulted from User Preferences).


Examples of Forms that may be in use on Projects are:

Request for Information (RFI)

Technical Queries (TQs)

Change Request Form (CRF)

Early Warning Notices (EWN)

Instructions (INS)

Project Manager's Instructions (PMI)


8.  The process of Auto save happens until the message is created, based on form settings. If the form settings are set to allow draft in Response messages, the ability of draft will be available so that the data is not lost. The Create/Update button on the Auto Saved Draft form, shows a tool tip informing the user about last auto save time.





In case of Custom Forms the fields will be displayed as defined in RES_View in the Form Design. Refer About Custom Forms for more details.


Also the facility to create Draft comments will not be available for "Combined Response" type Custom Forms.


Useful Links:

View Form


Edit and Distribute Form




Q: I have designed the form to automatically distribute a form but the automatic distribution does not take place.


A: This feature is not allowed in the case of responses. It is only allowed while creating an ORI or a FWD message.