Search Forms

"Forms Manager" provides Team members the facility to search for required forms based on specific criteria for Workspaces of type "Forms Manager" only..


Basic Search and Advanced Search facility is available at the Form Listing, Form Distribution Module and Form Basket pages.


 Search is not case sensitive.

 Search result is displayed based on Form ID sequence in conjunction with ORI message.

 Search will be limited to only Forms that you have access to. If search does not match your criteria, you will be displayed zero as a result.

 All private forms on which user is on the distribution list, and all public forms to which user has access to, and all private forms in which user is not on the distribution list but has View All Private Forms privilege set to yes shall be displayed.

 If form is in draft mode then it will be displayed to the originator only.

 My action column will be populated for only logged in user only.


At the Forms Basket, search is performed within the Basket only and forms to which user has access to.


Swapping between Form Listing and Form Distribution modules will retain the search criteria and results will be displayed based on defined criteria only.




Q: I want the search criteria's retained while swapping between Forms and Distribution Report.

A: The search critieria's will be automatically retained while swapping between Forms and the Form Distribution Report.



Useful Links:

Search Forms - Basic

Search Forms - Advanced

About Forms

Create Form


Reply to Form