Download Documents & Drawings (Advanced)

Download functionality provides team members the ability to copy files from "Workspace" so they may review documents without accessing the Internet (working off line).


"Document Manager" also provides team members the ability to view files online using the Asite viewer.  Where users are working off line, they will require the appropriate software to view documents / drawings.  For example, a user will require MS Office to view MS documents such as Word or Excel.


1. Select a file/s by clicking on the select box adjacent to it


2. Click on the icon


3. Select which file type you wish to download (more than one can be chosen when downloading. Values defaulted based on User Preference.




4. Click on Download  

 In case of single file, the file will be automatically streamed for downloading.

   Select Associated files to download the document  attached to the selected document

   Select  Associated Documents and Attached Documents, to download the documents associated and attached to the comment

            Select Rename Files with Doc Ref to rename the files with Doc Ref while downloading.

 Select Extract files on Download to extract the selected files on  download.         

 Select Lock for Editing Option while  downloading,  to check out the document while downloading.




 Documents will become available in the location specified with the revisions checked out for editing if Lock for Editing option is selected.

            Placeholder and Paper documents cannot be downloaded.

 Paper documents cannot be downloaded.

 Paper documents, Links and the document revisions which are not the latest ones will not be downloaded or checked out if you have selected Lock for Editing option for such documents





Q: I downloaded a document which had an attachment published along with it and had selected Lock for Editing option while downloading. The document was checked out, but attachment could not be checked out.

A: You will be allowed to check out the primary file s only. The attachments cannot be checked out.


Q: I downloaded the documents attached with the comment, but was not displayed the option to Lock for Editing while downloading

A: You cannot lock the externally attached files.




Useful links:

Batch Download Documents and Drawings

First Time Using Asite

Download Documents (Basic)