Batch Download Documents and Drawings

1. Login to Asite and select a folder name in Workspace


2. Select each document that you wish to download (select box next to file name)



3. Click on the  icon to add these items to your basket


 Continue selecting file/s from other folders if required


4. Click on the icon to view contents of basket


5. Click on the drop down menu for basket options




6. Select Download Documents


7. Select download preferences and click on Download



8. Click on Click Here to Save Zip File


 In case of single file, the file will be automatically streamed for downloading.

   Select Associated files to download the document  attached to the selected document

   Select  Associated Documents and Attached Documents, to download the documents associated and attached to the comment

            Select Rename Files with Doc Ref to rename the files with Doc Ref while downloading.

 Select Extract files on Download to extract the selected files on  download.         

 Select Lock for Editing Option while  downloading,  to check out the document while downloading.

 A zip file of the documents will be created


9. Click on open to open the contents of the zip or save to select the location that you which to download your document to from the dropdown menu



6. Click on Save

 Documents will become available in the location specified


Useful Hints: Alternatively, you have the ability to Extract files on download instead of creating zip file.



Q: I cannot access Actions dropdown in the Basket

A: Only the users with “Can Access Audit Information” Workspace privilege will be able to access Actions dropdown in the Basket.


Useful Links:

Download Documents & Drawings

User Preference Page