Batch Complete Action - 'For Comment'

The following lists the steps to complete multiple 'For Comment' actions.  I.e. add one comment to many documents / drawings.


1. Login to Asite and select a folder name


2. Select each document that you wish to make a comment (select box next to file name)


 In case  the 'Commenting' activity is locked for any of the selected file(s), they will be filtered out automatically.



3. Click on the  icon to add these items to your basket

 Continue selecting Doc Ref/s from other folders if required


4. Click on the icon to view contents of basket

5. Select Action - Comment from the drop down menu


6. Click on Submit No Comment (if required)



 No Comment will appear on all documents in the basket


7. Enter Comment Title and Comment in fields provided


8. Specify Comment Distribution list



Select a Doc Ref and click on Document distribution link to specify distribution list for the selected Doc Ref


Select multiple Doc Refs from the list above to specify a common distribution list for.


 All users on the document distribution list will be notified of an unread comment and will be on the Comment Distribution List


9. Option to complete associations is available,namely,

Associate Documents and Comments,

Associate Forms,


9. Click on Send to create comment


Note: Unread Comment Email Notifications shall be triggered based on User Preferences of Normal Comments.



Note: "Workflow" team members can  create comment on 100 documents at a time from documents basket



Q: I want to perform batch action on documents but I keep on getting a prompt informing that I can only perform action on 100 documents.

A: You will be able to perform the batch actions on a maximum of 100 documents at a time.


Q: I cannot access Actions drop down in the Basket

A: Only the users with “Can Access Audit Information” Workspace privilege will be able to access Actions drop down in the Basket.


Useful Links:

Complete Action - "For Comment "

Create Comment