Instant Email Notifications - Comments

This functionality facilitates triggered instant Email Notifications for Unread Comments


 User Preferences are available with default values at the Comment Creation  stage. These preferences are Workspace Level preferences.

Note - You do not have the facility to override the preferences at the Comment creation stage

With the next release, Adoddle v20.2, it is proposed to change the default user instant email notification preferences to NO for all tasks, except Status Change and Comment in Files and Respond on Apps side. Any preferences already saved by users shall continue to apply and be available. We encourage users to opt for instant notifications available as part of the File and Folder Watch functionality, in place of being notified via emails.


At the Create Comment Page, Distribution section all users checked for Notify Unread Comments will be triggered an Email


Email Notifications with Hyperlinks be triggered to users to read Unread Comments for whom Email Notifications is checked ON.




 Click on the Hyperlink for Comment will directly go to the to the Unread Comment(s) you need to read, if you are already logged into Asite, otherwise it will ask to login to Asite before being taken to the action.


 Once clicking on the hyperlink will go the comment(s) you would need to read and would highlight the unread comment in red.

 An option would be displayed to view the document in the Asite Viewer or download the document.




Note - Unread Comment Email Notifications shall be triggered based on User Preferences of Normal Comments.


Useful Links:

User Preference Page

Instant Email Notifications - Documents

Instant Email Notifications - Forms

Create Comment