About Instant Email Notifications

Workflow provides team members the ability to define preferences for Summary and Event  driven (Instant) Email notifications. Instant Email notifications can be triggered for Document Actions, Form Actions and Unread Comments.


User Preferences can be defined as follows:


With the next release, Adoddle v20.2, it is proposed to change the default user instant email notification preferences to NO for all tasks, except Status Change and Comment in Files and Respond on Apps side. Any preferences already saved by users shall continue to apply and be available. We encourage users to opt for instant notifications available as part of the File and Folder Watch functionality, in place of being notified via emails.




At the Distribution page the values are pre-populated based on user preferences. Mark the "Instant Email. notify." checkbox ON to trigger instant email notifications.




Useful Tips:

 Define if Summary Reports are to be mailed within a Workspace.

 Define User Preferences for Instant Email Notifications at individual Workspace Level or apply to all Workspaces while saving settings for a Workspace.

 Define preferences for individual actions at Documents / Forms Module.

 Define if preferences can be overridden by the publisher during the actual distribution process.

 Facility to trigger single email for multiple actions to same user is available.



Useful Links:

Instant Email Notifications - Documents

Instant Email Notifications - Forms

Instant Email Notifications - Comments

User Preference Page