Workspace Home page for "Workflow Manager"

Click on any  Workspace name to go to that Workspace Home page




Workspace Home Page displays Workspace notices and a summary of actions assigned and Unread comments for you.



The Forms are displayed, grouped within the specified groups, on the Workspace Home Page in the Form listing table.



Click on    to collapse the group of forms

Click on to expand the group of forms


 Workspace Notices are displayed at the top section.

 Overdue Actions indicate the amount of actions that have not been completed in the time allocated.


 Incomplete Actions totals all actions that are outstanding whether they are overdue or not.

 Unread Comments are comments that have been notified to a user but not read by the user.



1. Select a folder name to view its contents




2. Select a number to view the actions assigned


 Click on Document Folders hyperlink to view content of documents for selected folder only (excluding sub-folders)

 Click on Overdue Actions hyperlink to view documents with incomplete actions which are overdue for selected folder including sub-folders

 Click on Incomplete Actions hyperlink to view documents with incomplete actions for selected folder including sub-folders.

 Click on Unread Comments hyperlink to view Comment Register with unread comments  for selected folder including sub-folders.

 Click on Forms hyperlink to view the form listing  for selected Form Type.

 Click on Overdue Actions hyperlink to view forms with incomplete actions which are overdue for selected Form Type

 Click on Incomplete Actions hyperlink to view forms with incomplete actions for selected Form Type.

Click on Create Form icon besides the form name to create the form



Useful Links:
View Team Directory

About Workspace Notices