Batch Complete Action - 'For Information'

1. Login to Asite and select a folder name in "Workspace"


2. Select each document that you wish to complete action for information (select box next

     to file name).



3. Click on the  icon to add these items to your basket

 Continue selecting Doc Ref/s from other folders if required


4. Click on the icon to view contents of basket

5. Select Clear Action - For Information from the drop down menu



 Documents with incomplete For Information action only will be displayed in the Basket Action Page.


6. Click on Clear

 All selected documents will be cleared of their For Information action.

 Audit History will track that the action was completed.





Q: I cannot access Actions drop down in the Basket

A: Only the users with “Can Access Audit Information” Workspace privilege will be able to access Actions drop down in the Basket.


Useful Links:

Complete Action 'For Information'