Complete Form Action - Assign Status

Users having incomplete Assign Status action on forms can complete it by changing the status of the form


Steps to complete Assign Status action is as under:


1. Click on Form ID to View Form on which you are having an incomplete Assign Status action on the form.


2. Select the Form Status you wish to assign


If form permission Restrict Status Change in View Form is set to YES, any form type you will not be able the change the status of a form while viewing it AND by selecting multiple forms in form listing page even if you have Can Batch Status Change – All Forms & Can Batch Status Change – Own Forms role privileges. Additionally, you cannot Re-Open Closed Forms while viewing them and by selecting multiple forms in form listing page even if you have Can Re-Open All Closed Forms – Admin & Can Re-Open Closed Forms role privileges.


If form permission Restrict Status Change in View Form is set to NO then you can change form status as per the role privileges you have. Essentially this means Form Settings override the Role Privileges.



3. Click on Submit  when complete

 Audit history will be updated to track that action is completed.



Useful Links:

Distributing Form Messages