About My Home Page

Services subscribed by Client and assigned to the User will be displayed on logging in to Asite as Tab pages with My Home Page displaying the dashboard of Collaboration Workspaces and actions assigned to the logged in user.


1. Open Internet Explorer and go to http://www.asite.com


2. Enter User Details in the fields provided


3. Click on Sign In to go to My Home Tab on Asite Platform




4. Click on required Application tab to go a specific Asite application


Click on "Workspaces" tab


Alternatively, you can also click on the Workspace Name in Favourite Workspaces Portlet or Workspace Actions in My Actions Portlet on My Home Tab to access Asite Collaboration Application


 News and Views

Search for building industry news and information using the Memoori Search Engine. This page can be added as one of your personal pages.





Useful Links:
About Workspace Home Page

Workspace Home Page

User Preference Page

About Asite Help