Search Documents

"Workflow Manager" provides Team members the facility to search for required documents based on  specific criteria.


Basic Search and Advanced Search facility is available at the Document Listing, Document  Distribution Module, Comments Register and Document Basket pages.


 Search is not case sensitive.

 Search will be limited to only those documents in folders that you have access to. If search does not match your criteria, you will be displayed zero as a result.

 If you do not have access on the parent folder but have on the child folder, you will not be displayed documents available in the child folder.

 Sequence of access control will be User Level --> Role Level --> Default folder permissions.


At the Document Basket, search is performed within the Basket only and on documents to which user has access to.


Swapping between Document Listing, Document Distribution, Comment Register will retain the search criteria and results will be displayed based on defined criteria only.


Swapping between Folders will retain the search criteria based on User Preferences set.


Search dropdown values will be populated once you return to the Workspace Home Page



Q: The search criteria is always retained while swapping between Documents, Distribution Report, Comments

A: The search criteria  will always be retained while swapping between Documents, Distribution Report, Comments. You need to reset data and modify the criteria values.


Q: I want to retain the search criteria while swapping folders.

A: You need to set your preference to retain the search criteria while swapping folders.



Useful Links:

Search Documents (Workflow Manager) - Basic

Search Documents (Workflow Manager) - Advanced

Search Documents (Document Manager) - Basic

Search Documents (Document Manager) - Advanced

User Preference Page