Remove Users from Workspace

"Workflow Manager" provides Administrator privileges to users so they have the ability to mark existing users on the Workspace as inactive or remove users from the role.


 Members with Manager User Role Memberships" option can remove an assigned user/s from the role.


1. Removal of Users


The following steps should be used to remove the user from the Role


 Select the User Group, Organisation or User to remove from Role.



 Click on “Remove” button and a validation prompt will be displayed.



 Click on ‘”Continue” to confirm the removal of Organisation / User Group / User.

            Click on "Save".  


2.  Inactivate User

            Members with Can Deactivate Users from Workspace privilege only can mark

            existing users as inactive.

The following should be used to amend user/s as Inactive:

  Search for users to mark the user Inactive on the Workspace.


Click on "Change User Details" button.



   Select the status of the user as "Inactive"

             Click on "Submit".           


3. Workflow Manager application will validate for the pending actions on Documents, Forms and Unread Comments. User will have the ability to clear or delegate the incomplete actions prior to marking user inactive on the Workspace.                             


The user will be prompted to select new Admin for the following:

         Folders on which selected User is only having “Admin” permissions.

        Forms created by selected User but still having “Open” status.

  Forms on which selected User is a Controller and form status being “Open”.


4. Click on Submit from the Deactivate User from Workspace page

  User will be successfully marked inactive on the Workspace.

  The following areas will be updated automatically once the user is inactive:







Q: I cannot mark an unassigned user inactive on the Workspace.

A: The Inactive option will always be disabled for unassigned users.


Q: I cannot mark myself as inactive on the Workspace.

A: You will be validated and cannot mark yourself as inactive on there Workspace.


Q: I cannot mark a User Inactive on the Workspace though I have privileges to assign roles to a user on a Workspace.

A: You need Can Deactivate Users from Workspace privilege to mark user inactive on the Workspace.


Q: I cannot mark a User Inactive on the Workspace as there are incomplete actions on the Workspace.

A: You need to clear / delegate the incomplete actions before user can be marked inactive on the Workspace.



Useful Links:

Manage User Role Membership

Assign Proxy Users

Clear Actions on Documents

Clear Action on Forms

Clear Comments as Read

Clear Incomplete Actions and Unread Comments

Delegate Actions on Documents

Delegate Actions on Forms