Data Fields Within Group

Appendix A - Asite System Data Fields


Data Fields within Group: Asite_System_Data_Read_Only


The following fields are available within this template to read data from within Asite and display in views that are created within your custom form.  Please copy the display controls can paste them onto your views.


Group Field Name Description Display Control
(Copy and Paste into view where you wish to display field)
_1_User_Data DS WORKINGUSER Use this field to display the name (Firstname Lastname, Organisation Name) of the User currently using the system - Where user is accessing another user's account via proxy access this is also tracked and displayed within the field.  
_1_User_Data DS WORKINGUSERROLE Use this filed to display the Role of the user currently using the system.  
_2_Printing_Data DS PRINTEDBY Use this field to display the name (Firstname Lastname, Organisation Name) of the person printing the form.  
_2_Printing_Data DS PRINTEDON Use this field to display the date + time (in GMT format) when the form print view is generated.  
_3_Project_Data DS PROJECTNAME Use this field to display the project within which the form is being created.  
_3_Project_Data DS CLIENT Use this field to display the name of the owner organisation of the project site within which the form is being created.  
_4_Form_Type_Data DS FORMNAME Use this field to display the form group name.  
_4_Form_Type_Data DS FORMGROUPCODE use this field to display the short group code for the form group.  
_5_Form_Data DS FORMID Use this field to display the system generated Form Id of the Form  
_5_Form_Data DS ORIGINATOR Use this field to display the Name (Firstname Lastname, Organisation Name) of the Originator of the form.  This is the user who creates the ORI message for the form.  
_5_Form_Data DS DATEOFISSUE Use this field to display the Date on which the form was created.  This is the date when the ORI message for the form was sent.  
_5_Form_Data DS DISTRIBUTION Use this field to display the list of users to whom the form has been distributed - Format (Firstname Lastname, Organisation Name)  
_5_Form_Data DS CONTROLLERNAME Use this field for Controller based form to display the name of the Controller (Firstname Lastname, Organisation Name)  
_5_Form_Data DS ATTRIBUTES Use this field to display the attributes which are associated with the form  
_5_Form_Data\Status_Data DS FORMSTATUS For form types where an end status is required, use this field to display the current status of the form  
_5_Form_Data\Status_Data DS CLOSEDUEDATE  

For form types where an end status is required,

use this field to display the Date by which the form is required to have been assigned an end status.
_5_Form_Data\Status_Data DS APPROVEDBY Use this field to display the name (Firstname Lastname, Organisation Name) of the user who has changed the status of the form  
_5_Form_Data\Status_Data DS APPROVEDON Use this field to display the date on which the status of the form was changed  
_6_Form_MSG_Data DS MSGID Use this field to display the Message Id of the message.  
_6_Form_MSG_Data DS MSGCREATOR Use this field to display the name (Firstname Lastname, Organisation Name) of the Message Creator.  
_6_Form_MSG_Data DS MSGDATE Use this field to display the date on which the message was created  
_6_Form_MSG_Data DS MSGSTATUS In controller based form types, use this field to display the current status of the message e.g. Sent, Pending, Held  
_6_Form_MSG_Data DS MSGRELEASEDATE In controller based form types, use this field to display the date the status of the message was changed by the controller.  


DS DOC ASSOCIATIONS ORI Use this field to display any documents that were associated to the original message (ORI) - displayed in "Doc Ref. - Document Title" format  


DS FORM ASSOCIATIONS ORI Use this field to display a list of any forms that were associated to the original message (ORI) - displayed in "Form Id - Form Title" format  


DS ATTACHMENTS ORI Use this field to display any documents that were attached to the original message (ORI) - displayed in "Doc Ref. - Document Title" format  



Data Fields within Group: Asite_System_Data_Read_Write


The following fields are available within this template to read and write data from and to Asite. There are display controls if you wish to include this data in views that are created within your custom form. There are input controls that allow you to input data to these fields from your form template. Please copy the input/display controls can paste them onto your views as required.



Field Name

(Fields marked with * are mandatory)


Use this field to display/input an overall title for the form. This is a mandatory field that

must be received by Asite and is displayed on the form listing page.


Use this field to display/input a User reference for the form




Appendix B – Controls Recommended to be used in Form Design



# Control Name Recommendation
1 Text Box

2 Rich Text Box

3 Drop-Down List Box

4 List Box

5 Date Picker

6 Check Box

7 Option Button

8 Button

9 Section

10 Optional Section

11 Repeating Section

12 Repeating Table

13 Master / Detail Table