"Workflow Manager" provides team members the ability to Distribute documents, placeholders, paper documents available across folders to distribution groups and/or company users and assign them actions to complete. Actions include sending documents 'For Information' or 'For Comment'.
The following steps outline this process:
1. Select box next to each Doc Ref you wish to complete an action
In case the 'File Distribution' activity is locked for any of the selected file(s), they will be filtered out automatically.
2. Click on the icon to add items to the basket
Continue selecting from other folders if required
3. Click on the icon to view contents of basket
Select documents to batch distribute actions for.
4. Select Action - Distribute from the drop down menu.
Click on Copy Distribution from Previous Revision button to distribute actions to same set of users as the previous revision
5. Select Company or Distribution Groups from the top drop down menu
Select users to distribute actions
Use Shift or Ctrl key to select multiple users
6. Click on Add to Distribution List to confirm selection
7. Select Action Required, Respond By time & enter Action Notes (if required) for each individual
Click on the icon to select Respond By time.
The Instant Email Notif. shall be pre-populated form User Preferences.
Click on to Remove Duplicate Actions from the distribution list.
Click on to Remove Duplicate Recipients from the distribution list.
A custom prompt will appear for duplicate actions / users on clicking the “Distribute” button
7. Click on Distribute to send
All documents will be distributed to the same distribution list.
Q: I cannot access Actions drop down in the Basket
A: Only the users with “Can Access Audit Information” Workspace privilege will be able to access Actions drop down in the Basket.
Useful Links: